Web3 is the FUTURE. If you want to master web3 (in months instead of years), study these in chronological order:
- 2008 The Bitcoin Whitepaper by Satoshi Nakamoto. Learn how web3 begins and the thinking behind it: bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf
2011 Bitcoin by@fredwilson. Learn how prescient thinkers are intrigued by the new tech: https://avc.com/2011/11/bitcoin/
2013 Why I’m interested in Bitcoin by@cdixon Learn how Bitcoin sparks ideas for new tech models: https://cdixon.org/2013/12/31/why-im-interested-in-bitcoin???
2014 The Ethereum White Paper by@VitalikButerin Learn how Ethereum emerges and the thinking behind it: https://ethereum.org/669c9e2e2027310b6b3cdce6e1c52962/Ethereum_Whitepaper_-_Buterin_2014.pdf
- 2016 Ethereum is the Forefront of Digital Currency by@FEhrsam Learn how Ethereum allows remarkable new possibilities: https://fehrsam.xyz/blog/ethereum-is-the-forefront-of-digital-currency
Fat Protocols by@jmonegro Learn how blockchain reverses the way value is distributed on the internet: https://www.usv.com/writing/2016/08/fat-protocols/
2017 A beginner’s guide to Ethereum by@ljxie Learn the many ways Ethereum can be used in business, finance and life: https://www.coinbase.com/blog/a-beginners-guide-to-ethereum ????
The Meaning of Decentralization by@VitalikButerin Learn how decentralization actually works in blockchain tech: https://medium.com/@VitalikButerin/the-meaning-of-decentralization-a0c92b76a274
Crypto Tokens: A Breakthrough in Open Network Design by
@cdixon Learn how tokens can exponentially improve the internet, 'making it accessible, vibrant and fair, with greater innovation.': https://cdixon.org/2017/05/27/crypto-tokens-a-breakthrough-in-open-network-design
Thoughts on Tokens by@balajis Learn more about the early excitement around tokens and how they transform business, online and off: https://news.earn.com/thoughts-on-tokens-436109aabcbe
The Solana White Paper by @aeyakovenko Learn how Solana emerges and the thinking behind it: https://solana.com/solana-whitepaper.pdf
2018 Why decentralization matters by @cdixon Learn how a decentralized internet levels the playing field for 3rd party developers, founders and users: https://cdixon.org/2018/02/18/why-decentralization-matters
And What Has the Blockchain Ever Done for Us? by @balajis Learn why 'new technology is often heavily criticized while on its way to ubiquity.': https://balajis.com/and-what-has-the-blockchain-ever-done-for-us/
Stablecoins: designing a price-stable cryptocurrency by @hosseeb Learn about the need for stablecoins, their differences, and how they are designed: https://medium.com/hackernoon/stablecoins-designing-a-price-stable-cryptocurrency-6bf24e2689e5
2019 Yes, You May Need a Blockchain by @balajis Learn how public blockchains rewrite the data equation in favor of users: https://balajis.com/yes-you-may-need-a-blockchain/
- The future of decentralized finance by@ljxie Learn how DeFi disrupts financial systems and gives the unbanked and excluded, access to financial products: https://lindajxie.com/2019/08/07/the-future-of-decentralized-finance/
2020 A Beginner’s Guide to Decentralized Finance by @sid_coelho Learn how DeFi makes an alternative, global financial system accessible to anyone with a smartphone and internet: https://www.coinbase.com/blog/a-beginners-guide-to-decentralized-finance-defi
What explains the rise of AMMs? by@hosseeb Learn how automated market makers, like @uniswap , can expand your financial options by using simple pricing algorithms: https://medium.com/dragonfly-research/what-explains-the-rise-of-amms-7d008af1c399
2021 NFTs make the internet ownable by@jessewldn Learn how 'NFTs can offer creators and their audiences, a viable alternative to platform-driven monetization.': https://variant.mirror.xyz/0xe7925D190aea9279400cD9a005E33CEB9389Cc2b/T8kdtZRIgy_srXB5B06L8vBqFHYlEBcv6ae2zR6Y_eo ????
Why Web3 Matters by @cdixon Learn how in web3, tokens transform the internet by allowing users to become owner: https://cdixon.org/2018/02/18/why-decentralization-matters
How to Win the Future - An Agenda for the Third Generation of the Internet by @a16z Learn how web3 offers a new set of tools to help policymakers meet the needs of the average person: https://a16z.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/How-to-Win-the-Future-1.pdf
- 2022 Soulbound by@VitalikButerin Learn how NFTs can represent more of who you are, not just what you can afford: https://vitalik.ca/general/2022/01/26/soulbound.html
- Go-to-Market in Web3: New Mindsets, Tactics, Metrics by@meigga Learn how web3 humanizes go-to-market strategies with powerful tools like token: https://a16zcrypto.com/content/article/go-to-market-in-web3/
Hyperstructures by@js_horne Learn about protocols that can run for free and forever, without maintenance, interruption or intermediaries for the benefit of the public: https://jacob.energy/hyperstructures.html
The Ownership Economy 2022 by@ljin18 Learn how the new internet creates positive social change through the wider distribution of wealth-building assets: https://li.substack.com/p/the-ownership-economy-2022
Composability is the Most Powerful Creative Force in the Universe by
@jradoff Learn how composability—a key web3 capacity—harnesses the creative potential in every one of us: https://medium.com/building-the-metaverse/composability-is-the-most-powerful-creative-force-in-the-universe-e82e3dd83ccd
Blockspace: What Comes After PCs, Broadband, and Smartphones by
@cdixon and@mariogabriele Learn about Blockspace and why it will probably be the most important new computing resource of the 2020s: https://a16zcrypto.com/content/article/blockspace-explained/
Why NFT Creators Are Going cc0 by@flashrekt @skominers @a16z Learn why completely removing copyright and other IP protections offers a 'license to create' and can be a powerful, lucrative way to grow in web3: https://a16zcrypto.com/content/article/cc0-nft-creative-commons-zero-license-rights/
Web3 is not that old, but still there have been already a lot of innovations & development. With these 28 articles, I promise you, you will be ahead of 95% of all participants in the market in terms of understanding web3.